Wonderpants? Wonder Why?

Did I do the obligatory ‘national stand in front of the door’ photo … NO… Nope and NO…

Do you want to know why?

Well I don’t like conforming and if I’m honest I didn’t get their hair cut so frankly they look a little rough around the edges … Toby is actually almost rocking a ‘Liam Gallagher’ style without his swag… Toby has his own ‘swag’ but it’s juvenile and Bambi like as he is still trying to navigate his own personal space as his arms and legs have grown but is body is slightly disproportionate while it catches up with the growth spurt!

If I’m honest after six weeks of summer it’s a struggle to get four kids up, dressed, preened and fed without having to round them up in line by the front door and to smile and say cheese. I salute all that manage it, because I, openly and honestly still flit between ‘Super Mum’ or ‘wondermum’ sticking to the current theme, and ‘Wondermum’ is super organised with a military check list and a regimental routine to ‘wonder what the fuck I’m doing mum’!

I stroll into school this morning feeling nervous for my three little soldiers, I’m sad to be three down from my Cavalry. I’m sweaty, I suffer from obvious facial sweating which I put down to my hormones crying. Im a little frantic and pulling at my ‘wonderfit‘ jeans, they are supposed to make me look slim and basically FIT to my curvaceous doughy mummy figure, I didn’t think I’d need a f*cking belt!!

Well ‘WONDERfully‘ they start offering my ‘builders butt’ to all the other mums looking at me and still wondering who the hell I am …

Im still the newbie in a new town in a new county, I’m still the new mum that no one knows. I’m still that mum that smiles widely and says hello and gets the half smile and the odd nod back…

Tell me? Is connecting with new people like tasting new foods?? You got try it twelve times before you know if you like it or not?? … just a thought!!!

My kids are still the new kids BUT at least the kids have that kid like mentality that welcomes new faces.

Kids smile at new friends.

Kids say ‘HI! what’s your name?’

Kids say ‘hey I like your pencil can I have it?’

Kids say ‘Do you wanna play?’

….or they stick out their tongue and say ‘you smell go away’ …

It’s called communication, it’s grounds to strike up a conversation and be given a chance to convince the other kids you don’t smell, and that you just didn’t wash that morning, that you can share your new snazzy pencil, and proudly tell them your name is Kelly and yes you do want to play!

Why, as adults does it become alien to do this… I conclude that adults are weird … adults are reserved and wary, adults have forgotten their inner child.

My three kids embark on another year at school in years 6,5, and 2. In their new school where friendships are still fragile and they look back at you with that ‘deer in the headlights’ glare.. but I am confident they will come home having made new friends, I am confident a child somewhere would have reached out and helped relieve the nerves and took them under their wing.

I will pick them up this afternoon with a belt in my ‘wonderfit‘ jeans to prevent any more unwelcomed nudity in case that’s the reason behind the ‘odd nods’ and I will continue to smile and say hello loud and proud, because that’s me, that’s who I am.

I’m a shameless mum of four that swears and eats cake, and occasionally pees her pants when on a trampoline or in a fit of laughter. I’m a confident woman in her own skin with stretch marks and a big ass, with a big heart to match.

I don’t need friends, but do I want some ?? Hell yeah… we can never have enough friends right? I’ve also not forgotten what it’s like to be new somewhere, I’ve not forgotten my INNERCHILD!

Wherever you are, it would be good to remember that a friendly ‘Hello’ could mean the world to someone. It could be a new friend, or a lost soul, a fragile human looking for kindness OR it could be your child starting their new class with their new friends.

My mantra has always been, and will always be ‘treat others how you want to be treated’ I don’t think you can go far wrong with that attitude to life.

Have a great day everyone – If you can be anything in life, be kind.

Share and make the world a kinder place.