Girls girls girls ….

October the 11th is International Day of the Girl and with three daughters of my own, I only need to look into their eyes and it’s not difficult for me to relate, envisage or empathise with the less privileged girls of the world.

Girls in conflict zones are at risk, high risk! They are 90% more likely to be deprived of schooling and subjected to many forms of abuse, all of which compromise a promising future and above all a happy life.

In areas of war and conflict it’s obvious that violence increases, but what’s not so obvious is that girls; are, and will be subjected to sexual and physical violence on a daily basis.

Child Marriage is a huge ongoing issue. 1 in 3 girls are married off to MEN before they are 18, and 1 in 7 as early as 15! The statistics are terrifying. I look at my daughters and I feel so blessed and privileged to be able to offer them a LIFE, if you allow your mind to wander there, allow it wander to the war zones and imagine for a few seconds the torrent of abuse these girls have to put up with in order to survive.

Surviving war and conflict has put them in situations equal of the risk they are running from.

It’s child exploitation. It’s child abuse, and it’s happening now to young girls all over the world.

Days like today are not just about awareness, its also about helping the girls that have slipped through the system… fell through the cracks and been let down time and time again.

Here are some links that raise awareness and money to help all these girls that are at risk ….

Use this hashtag #DayOfTheGirl to raise the vibe for all the tribes fighting against evil and the heinous monstrous acts of evil around the world.
